

Your brain has an amazing capacity to heal—and sometimes, the key to unlocking that healing lies in something as simple as left-right movement. Welcome to the fascinating world of bilateral stimulation, a groundbreaking therapeutic technique that's transforming how we process difficult memories and emotions.

Bilateral stimulation is a therapeutic technique that engages both sides of your brain and body through alternating left-right movements. Think of it as creating a rhythmic bridge between the logical left hemisphere and the emotional right hemisphere of your brain. This can happen through:

Hand-held vibrating devices

Gentle taps on alternate shoulders or knees

Alternating sounds in each ear

Eye movements (following a moving light or hand)

What Is Bilateral Stimulation?

Reducing the emotional charge of troubling memories while maintaining the important learning from those experiences

Creating new neural pathways that allow for healthier processing of difficult memories

Engaging both hemispheres of the brain simultaneously

Mimicking the natural eye movements of REM sleep, when your brain processes daily experiences

When you experience trauma or intense stress, your brain can become "stuck," with memories and emotions frozen in time. Bilateral stimulation helps "unstick" these experiences by:

The Science

Behind the Success

Bilateral Stimulation



Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) was the pioneering therapy that first harnessed the power of bilateral stimulation. During EMDR sessions, you'll:

Find the memory becoming less emotionally charged while maintaining its important insights


Allow your brain to naturally process and integrate the experience


Follow a moving light or other bilateral stimulus


Focus briefly on a troubling memory or emotion




Trauma and PTSD
Anxiety and depression
Phobias and fears
Grief and loss
Performance blocks

Accelerated Resolution 

Building on EMDR's foundation, Accelerated Resolution Therapy takes bilateral stimulation to the next level. ART combines smooth pursuit eye movements with a directive approach that can lead to rapid relief from:

Your Brain's

 Natural Healing Process

Think of bilateral stimulation as a catalyst for your brain's innate healing abilities. Just as your body knows how to heal a cut, your brain knows how to process difficult experiences—sometimes it just needs the right conditions to do so.

Ready to experience the transformative power of bilateral stimulation? Contact us to learn more about how EMDR or Accelerated Resolution Therapy could help you move forward with greater ease and contentment.